September 8, 2010

"I Can't..."

Just a little poem I wrote some time ago. A moment of clarity ♥

"I Can't..."

Believe it's taken these years
to have a glimpse of what is real
and what is my truth
I can't see all You've given me
and not acknowledge Your power
and Your love for me
I can't walk a path in the past
without knowing
that every step I take there
is a step away from my future
I can't ridicule your flaws
without first examining my own
I can't accept a love
that is not as pure as my own
I can't see your face
without remembering your love
can't remember your love
without tears of joy
and the ever-present twinge of regret
I won't be your jester
when I was born to be a queen
I can't live my life with no hope
because someone in the heavens
refuses to let my hope die
I can't sit quietly
while the moments of my life tick away
I can no longer hate you
or the pain you caused
your ugly ways
have only added to my strength
I will not be afraid of what's to come
for it is my destiny
and my story waiting to be told
I can see a light at the end
of a long-traveled tunnel
and it is good
and about damn time…
© Antoinette Davis
   August 11, 2008

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