August 27, 2009

“2 Steps Forward and 1 Step Back is Still 1 Step Forward”

“2 Steps Forward and 1 Step Back is Still 1 Step Forward”
On the way to work today, I wondered what I would write about. My mind kinda wandered a minute, and I felt this warm wave of gratefulness. The feeling just took over me, and I started thinking over my life. I thought about my mother and the things she would say to me. She’d say that I had “sticktoitness”. If there was something I was trying to figure out or accomplish, I wouldn’t stop until I was satisfied.

Then I started wondering where does this fighting spirit/sticktoitness come from. I know without a doubt that it’s been one of the greatest gifts from God that I’ve ever received. Next to being born to Valetta Davis, it’s been the blessing of my life. God must’ve known I would need this kind of spirit, and He was right. This diligent, dig my heels in, stubborn fight to the end thing (gift) is what allows me to walk the walk, and keep it moving. Like a lot of people, I have survived some harsh events in my life. That’s another blog. Believe me when I tell you there’ve been days that brought me to the brink of ending it all. But I didn’t. I couldn’t because I knew that no matter how bad I felt, and whatever was going on, one day I would look back at the pain and laugh in its face. I didn’t hope for it. I knew it.

What I didn’t know is that all of the bad things that happened to me would only make me stronger, and stronger, and stronger still. I’ve taken so many baby steps in the right direction. There are still days when I take a step back, and start thinking like ‘the old me’. I’ll start thinking crazy ish like it doesn’t matter what I do cuz God is gonna strike me down and take everything away from me anyway. Or I’ll start thinking once I get my life together, God would personally send a city bus to run me over. Where do thought like that come from? In spite of my sometimes-delusional thoughts, what I have learned is that I’ve been a master at making excuses for me not to move forward. Let’s face it. It’s soooo much easier to stay where you are. I’d never have to grow or change, or explore any possibilities that could separate me from my comfortable mess. Isn’t fear a crafty emotion?

So today, and with Gods’ help, every day – I’m going to remind myself of a few things. First on the list: life is such a gift. It’s meant to be lived! Gotta start doing that more for sure. Next, I will be grateful for all of my gifts, great and small. When I look back over my past, I’ll only visit long enough to revel in the fact that I’m no longer who or what I used to be. I’ve only scratched the surface of the real me – of who and what I will become. “2 steps forward and 1 step back is still 1 step forward” is not just a statement. It is a state of mind, and my new motto. I may stumble and fall here and there. I know that when I do, God will be there to pick me up, and/or kick me in the butt. Yes, He does that! Or, He will send me one of His many angels to gently move me forward. I like this option much better!

I guess since God’s not gonna run me over with the bus (thank you!), I have to keep it moving. I don’t know what my purpose is for being here, but one day The Big Guy will let me in on his plan. Until then, you can look for me here. I have more things to say than I thought I did!

No matter how many steps we take back, I know it’s never too late to start walking forward. I’m 45 years old (yikes!), and I’m doing it. I’ll continue to do it. Eventually, I’ll get to where I’m going. Today, a friend of mine told me that I’m like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. That, I am. I’m out!

© Antoinette Davis
August 27, 2009

August 26, 2009

“Perimenopause – Lord help me not to kill anybody”

Quite a prayer, right? For us women over the age of 40, I’m betting that my prayer sounds perfectly normal – whatever that is!

Ladies (and gentlemen), let’s attend a class I like to call Perimenopause Hell, Hell, Hell, Hell (echo) – 101. Have a seat. But not next to that bloated, sweaty, itchy, grouchy lady. Oh, wait. That’s me!!! What exactly is Perimenopause? (PM for the purpose of this blog). The medical definition is, and I quote: PM marks the interval in which your body begins its transition into menopause. It encompasses the years leading up to menopause – from 2 to 8 years – PLUS the 1st year after your final period. Wait, there’s more! As you go through the menopausal transition, your body’s production of estrogen and progesterone fluctuates. These hormonal fluctuations are at the root of the changes your body goes through during PM. I’ve come to refer to PM as my “back up off me bitch, I got a shank and will not hesitate to cut your ass” period in my life. Oy vey. This could get ugly.

I wish someone had told me that I would slowly morph into a potential murder suspect – with a mustache!! :-( WTF?! I got hair growing where no hair should EVER be growing! Everything gets on my nerves. Things slip my mind at an alarming rate. Apparently, my brain cells are dying by the freakin’ minute! Restful sleep – yeah, right! My patience level is probably as low as my estrogen level. I’m laughing one minute, and crying the next. No wonder people are giving me the sideways glances! There are, of course, a few other symptoms. But we’re not close enough for me to divulge any further information. I don’t know you like that! But there are…"nether region" things going on, too. Isn’t this fun? **sigh** Sarcasm. Next to chocolate, it’s become my very best friend. I can only guess that the collective PM community is nodding its head in agreement with me right now.

Before you load that gun and climb the tower, remember that this time in your life is only temporary – if you consider 2-8 years temporary. And if you’re lucky, your doctor may offer you some relief. When you go to that doctor, tell them everything. Since you’ll probably forget half of the list before you get there, write it all down. Or better yet, turn on some of those dramatic, Hollywood throw yourself on the bed tears. Stretch out on the floor if you have to! Nothing moves a doctor quicker than a hysterical patient with questionable sanity (I hope). I plan to use that whole crying, throwing myself on the floor thing at my next visit. I’m gonna leave that office with a basket full of make-me-happy meds, a fresh outlook on life, and probably a referral to the first head-shrinker who will see me. But that’s ok! For years, the medical community told women we’re crazy, right? Let’s say I’m a little crazy right now. Sooooo what! You got me. Now what? You gonna M-E-D-I-C-A-T-E me? Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, yes! Please!

Just a thought here…since our schools are busy teaching our girls to keep their legs closed, while showing boys how to use a condom – let’s teach our girls that one day their bodies will begin the fun-filled process of PM, and that it’s all perfectly normal. Don’t let them wake up half-cocked one day and wonder what’s wrong with them – the way that I did. I’m not (too) crazy. I’m a middle-aged woman (EW I hate how that sounds!) whose body is doing its own middle-aged thing – without my permission, I might add!

I’m perimenopausal, and I’m cracking jokes about it. I guess you caught me on a good day. PM has not been a barrel of laughs, but neither is it the end of the world. Generations of women have survived it. Most of them without a trip to jail or anything! I will survive it, too. I’m actually singing the old disco anthem in my head. I will survive :-)

A sidebar with the company that makes the Always brand of feminine hygiene pads - Who in the HELL came up with the saying, “have a happy period, always!” Huh? Whose happy ass is responsible for this saying? What the f**k kind of Peter Pan Alice in Wonderland flower-tossing tiptoe through the tulips BS fantasy are you trying to shove down our throats?!?! I’d LOVEEEEE to work for your company and make realistic commercials about a woman’s period!! Who’s with me? We can do this, y’all! Anybody? Woooooo…ok. Deep breaths….woo woo woo…. bringing it down….ok! I can hardly wait for my estrogen levels to drop again. I’m out!

© Antoinette Davis
August 26, 2009

August 25, 2009

It's Just a Little Suga

I've never blogged in my life, but I felt like the subject of diabetes is reason enough to give it a try. This is the story of my mothers' battle with the diabetes - in particular, the last 3 and a half months of her life. If you read this, I hope that if you get nothing else out of it, know that diabetes is a killer disease, and not 'just a little sugar' as many have grown up believing. I grew up hearing diabetes was nothing major. Boy, was I wrong. Please don't pass along the blase' attitude about this disease. It's a powerful opponent. It takes out the strongest of the strong. I know.

“It’s Just a Little Suga”

When I was a little girl, I used to hear a saying that made no sense to my young ears. The old folks would say, “It’s just a lil suga. I’ll be fine”. The saying brought to mind images of sweets and such, but the tone of voice suggested that ‘suga’ was a bad thing. Suga, bad? How could that be?

As I grew, I thought a lil suga couldn’t have been such a bad thing. Seemed like all my older relatives had it, and they looked just fine to me.

As a woman of 44, I now know the true meaning of the saying, and I’ve come face-to-face with its reality. It’s not ‘just a lil suga’. No! It’s diabetes, and it’s a killer. ‘Suga’ diminishes and belies the severity of what diabetes is, and what it can to do you, or someone you love.

I want to introduce you to someone special. Meet Valetta Cruz. In spite of a rough childhood, and her many obstacles, she went back to school in her 50s, and became a licensed social worker. Strong, kind, and loved by children and adults alike. She lived her life, and learned to take the ups with the downs. About 10 years ago, she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. She kind of expected her diagnosis, as a lot of her siblings and extended family had been diagnosed with the same disease. She was an excellent patient, and followed doctors’ orders to the letter. She grew used to the up and down feeling of ill that diabetes brings.

About 4 years ago, she learned that because of her diabetes, combined with smoking, the circulation to her heart, legs, and feet had become seriously compromised. After years of being a diabetic smoker, her health was suddenly at risk. If you’re diabetic, one of the worst things you can do is smoke. Smoking speeds up the deterioration and constriction of your already-compromised arteries and blood vessels. Smoking while diabetic is a deadly combination.

Her doctors didn’t want to amputate her legs, so they decided to watch the condition of her heart and arteries closely before subjecting her to a traumatic surgery. She’d go for periodic check-ups, and finally, her doctors decided that they could no longer wait. The only option left was to replace all of the arteries leading from the base of her heart to her legs and feet. There was no fix for her circulation problems by this point. Her arteries were of no use to her anymore. They betrayed her, and she helped by smoking those damn cigarettes.

August 31, 2006 was the day of her 1st surgery. What was supposed to be a 4-5 hour surgery turned into a 13-hour ordeal. Her blood continuously clotted, and the surgeons were unable to finish her original surgery. Her body had taken a lot of abuse in those 13 hours, and the surgeons felt she couldn’t take any more.

Everything settled down, and we were finally able to see her. From the stress of the surgery, her body had puffed up to the tune of 90 extra pounds of fluid. All the extra fluid was a sign of how hard her heart was working during the surgery. Because of the swelling in her legs, the surgeons had to make incisions from her inner thigh all the way down both of her legs. Not small incisions. Her legs were cut all the way down to the muscle. This allowed her body to heal without the swelling cutting off circulation to her legs and feet. With her puffy face and body, we almost didn’t recognize her.

We stuck around to make sure she was alright, but we noticed something curious. While the left leg and foot seemed fine, her right foot had turned blue, and was cold to the touch. She had no circulation in her right foot. She would need another surgery, or else her right foot would be amputated. About 3 hours after her 13-hour surgery, she was in surgery again. I’ll never forget the look of fear and weariness on her face. She was crying, and mouthed the word ‘no’ over and over. It was heart breaking, but she didn’t want to lose her foot.

The next day, all seemed to be well with her right foot, but soon enough, there were other problems. On top of the incisions down her legs, she’d been cut from her heart all the way to her pelvic line. The incision wouldn’t close, so there was a gaping hole. That put her at risk for infection, which could bring its own set of problems. The right foot again lost circulation, and doctors were forced to amputate a few of her toes. That was her 3rd surgery. All told, Valetta survived 9 surgeries in 6 weeks in order to save her right foot, and close the gaping wound in her abdomen.

She became depressed, and she stopped eating. For roughly 2 months, she wouldn’t eat. A bite here or there, but not enough to keep her in good health. She lived on soft, sliced peaches, PediaSure, and liquid nutrients the nurses fed her intravenously.

Through all of her surgeries, Valetta tried to remain positive. But I could see a little of her slipping away every time I saw her. When the open wound on her stomach started to close, she was more than happy. It was about this time that she began to eat again. She was suffering with malnutrition, and her doctors left orders that allowed her to eat whenever she wanted to.

Valetta was told to expect a long recovery period. Everyone who loved her braced ourselves for the long haul. It turns out that diabetics heal slower than non-diabetics. Even though she’d finally begun turning a corner, her body was weak. She was in constant pain. I remember days of her calling out to Jesus, and nights of me wondering if these were to be her last days.

I can’t relay to you how crushing a thing it is to be totally helpless. I wanted to do so many things for Valetta, but small things were all I could do. A talk here. A caress there. Sometimes all I could do was hold her hand until she fell asleep, or just be there in silence. She told one of her relatives that she knew she was going to die. The thought of her laying in bed at night waiting for death hurts me beyond all words. The look in her eyes while I rubbed her hands let me know that the small things I did for her were things that she really needed. I know now that there’s no such thing as a small gesture when it’s done out of love.

On October 28th, her birthday, her health took another turn. Her heart problems were getting worse. See, diabetes and heart disease go hand-in-hand. More than 65% of diabetics die from heart disease or stroke. Her doctors decided that once all of her wounds from her previous surgeries healed, she would be scheduled for heart surgery.

Being that this news took the wind out of my sails, I can only imagine what affect it had on Valettas spirit. This was the first time I started feeling that she was going to die. It was at this point that my prayers began to change. Instead of begging God to spare her life, I started to pray that He would end her suffering. It was a difficult prayer, but I prayed it out of love for Valetta. I’d always told her I loved her, but I started leaving her with enough ‘I love yous’ to fill her heart for an eternity.

Valetta was back and forth between the hospital, and a rehab hospital. She was on more medications than any of us could count. In fact, doctors had to decide which of her health problems was more dire. The answer would dictate which meds she would get for that day. So if her heart was worse, she got heart meds. The other meds she needed would have to wait, or if there would be no dangerous interactions, some of her meds would be slowly added back in. Every day she missed some of her meds she really needed. Even her pain meds. Our poor baby suffered some days without her pain meds.

About the end of November, finally, some good news! The stomach wound had closed, and there was no sign of infection. The incisions on her legs had either totally closed, or they were on their way to closing. Even her right foot had healed over, and was receiving the proper amount of circulation. All good signs that she was out of the woods. We were all told she’d be home in time for Christmas. She only needed to get stronger.

Going to visit Valetta after work 3-5 times a week had gotten to me. I was exhausted. She was finally on the mend, so I decided to cut down my visits, and take a much-needed rest. I figured I’d see her twice a week, and continue with my daily calls to check up on her. I wasn’t the only person who visited her, so she wouldn’t be alone.

On December 11, 2006, I got a call from my brother and his wife. It was late, and they were at the hospital with Valetta. Just from his tone, I knew something was wrong. I asked to speak to Valetta. She was talking something that sounded like a foreign language to me. I couldn’t understand a word she was saying. I asked her to put my brother back on the phone. I asked what was wrong with her. He didn’t know. I could tell he was very upset. I asked if he thought I needed to be there, and he said no. He stayed to talk with her doctors, who also seemed to be at a loss for what was wrong. It was all very sudden. Her body had started shutting down, and her kidneys were failing her. Kidney problems are another complication associated with diabetes. The doctors weren’t sure if Valetta was strong enough, but they wanted to start dialysis the next day.

I decided it was time for me to have yet another talk with her doctors, and I planned to do that the next day. I never got that chance. On December 12, 2006, at 7:35 a.m., my brother called me to say Valetta suffered a massive heart attack, and was on the way to the ER. She flat-lined twice on the way to the ER, but the paramedics brought her back.

After speaking with her doctors, I knew that I didn’t want them to take steps to prolong her life. I’m not God, but I knew what Valettas wishes were. Because she’d been without oxygen to her brain, had she lived, she may have been brain-damaged. Her heart was destroyed as a result of the attack. Possibly beyond repair. Her blood pressure was 20/30, and that was with 7 different medications to keep it elevated. Plus, dialysis was looming. Before the heart attack, Valetta had asked to sign a DNR (do not resuscitate) order, so I knew that she didn’t want to live on machines.

Her doctors wanted to try to save her, but I wanted to let her go. To keep her alive seemed selfish. I’d seen all that diabetes had done to her, and I knew that she was tired of fighting. For a tough woman like Valetta to let go of her life, I knew that her opponent must’ve been all-powerful.

I called her family and friends who’d want to say good-bye, and we waited. The doctors wanted to perform a procedure that would support her heart. Valetta was on life-support, and the machines would need to be turned off in order to perform any procedures. Doctors turned off the machines, and miracle of miracles, she was breathing unassisted, and her heart was beating on its own. I told you she was tough.

Valetta was moved to the ICU, where doctors hoped she’d be able to rest, and gain some strength. They didn’t offer us much hope, but they wanted to do all they could to save her life. At 12:00 noon, her family and friends gathered for a prayer on her behalf. At 12:05 p.m., her doctor walked into the crowd of loved ones to say that Valetta couldn’t be saved. He said there had been no more heart attacks, and she didn’t suffer at the end. Her heart slowed, and then stopped.

For me, her death brought a flood of emotions. Sadness. Relief. Happiness that she died with her own heartbeat, and not on machines. Shock at all that had come to pass over the last 3½ months. Even though I wanted her suffering to end, I was angry at God for not saving her. You name it. I felt it.

Valetta Cruz was my mother. She went into the hospital on August 31, 2006, and she never came home. On December 12, 2006, at the age of 61, she lost her 10-year battle with diabetes. At the hands of ‘a little suga’, my mama is dead. At an age when she could’ve been watching her grandkids graduate high school, and go on to college, she’s in the ground. No more Christmases, birthdays, family dinners, laughs, smiles, phone calls, or hugs. Nothing. She’s gone.

Here are some sobering statistics about diabetes:

1. Diabetes is the 5th deadliest disease in the U.S.
2. Smoking raises your blood sugar, which makes diabetes harder to control.
3. People with diabetes who smoke are 3 times as likely to die of heart disease, as are other diabetics who do not smoke.
4. Diabetes is at least 2-4 times higher for African-American and minority women than White women.
5. 14.7% of all African Americans over the age of 20 are diabetic.

Don’t take my word for it. Visit the official American Diabetes Association website at On this website, you can find such information as:

1. In-depth explanations of the major types of diabetes.
2. Diabetes and its symptoms (frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability, blurry vision)
3. The Diabetes Calculator. This test will help you know if you’re at risk for pre-diabetes, or diabetes.
4. What you can do if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes.
5. Diabetes complications and statistics
6. Information on nutrition and fitness

On this website, on the top right, you will find a search bar, which allows you to conduct your own research.

Because of health issues, and health choices, the story of Valetta Cruz is one that pretty much wrote itself. Her death was a textbook diabetic death. Y’all, we’re losing our older generation to diabetes, and its complications.

In the name of Valetta Cruz, affectionately known as Vee, I ask you 3 things:

1. Please don’t smoke. Especially if you’re diabetic.
2. The next time you hear somebody say they ‘got a little bit of suga’, think about my mothers story. Know that her story is, unfortunately, very common for many diabetics. This can happen to you, or someone you love.
3. What will you do when you hear that old saying?

In loving memory of Valetta Davis-Cruz, October 28, 1945 – December 12, 2006.

© Antoinette Davis, February 6, 2009