With the OUTRAGEOUS not guilty verdict that was just passed down on Trayvon Martin murder, the air is so thick with a lot of hatred. I, myself, came this { } close to it myself, but I flat-out refuse to let anything make me into something that I am not. YES, I'm pissed off, disappointed, and hurt. Why wouldn't I be??!! But in spite of all of that, I'm looking for the good in the Trayvon Martin murder - if there is a such thing.
I was on Facebook today, and I came across this open letter to the mother of Trayvon Martin. Jen Hatmaker is a White woman who enjoyed all of the unspoken privileges of being a White woman in this country. She was oblivious to racism in this country, and thought all was well - until she adopted a Black son. This open letter is amazingly honest, very heart-felt, and sincere. Please take a few minutes to read this letter, and please pass it on.
While I generally feel that a lot of White people in this country have no idea of things afforded to them simply by 'virtue' of the color of their skin, Ms. Hatmaker has her eyes wide open. I feel that is something very rare in our country, and I applaud her honesty, and her bravery to tell her own truth. I know she' receiving a lot of backlash because of her coming forward. ONE LOVE ♥