June 27, 2013

The Wrongest Right

Here u are
b4 my eyes
and back in my heart
my dream with no chance to breathe
my past with no future
time has gone by
but I can still see the beautiful young man
who captured my heart
smiles come as easily
words flow as sweet
and eyes still sparkle in the dark
unsure of your feelings
I tiptoe around the perimeters of my attraction
your arms welcome me
it's where I've always wanted 2 b
but I already know
the touch is right
but from the wrong man
your touch is the wrongest right thing I know
and your kiss is the rightest wrong
I know what I have to do
but I'm stuck in your gaze
I want to run away
but my feet are planted
in the undying hope of a requited love
I'm back to my senses
and heading for the first door I see
as I leave your side once again
memories flash
regret and revelations from yet another missed opportunity
quietly walk behind me
Mr. Right
Mr. Wrong
you are that and more 2 me
I'll let you go
but I know you are never that far away...

© Antoinette Davis

June 12, 2013

Before and After in the Making

There are words and a story that go with this pic. I have no time to write them right now, but a picture is worth at least a thousand words! The b4 pic was taken in Dec. of 2010. The after pic was taken in Feb. 2013.

Look at this picture and let your mind go to those things that you have thought were impossible. THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!!! Words to follow soon. Be blessed, and don't hold yourself back ♥♥♥