A Few Words about the Paris Attacks
I don’t post rants on FB because I feel like there is plenty of
griping to go around, but the posts I’m seeing surrounding prayers for Paris
has me more than a little ticked. I’ve seen posts suggesting that if you
acknowledge Paris, you are somehow ignoring terrorism in other parts of the
world. I’ve seen posts suggesting that Black people sending prayers to Paris
have somehow been bamboozled, and are playing into some new form of slavery.
I’ve seen posts saying the God Himself is responsible for terrorism.
Ridiculous, idiotic posts.
Where do I even start? Let’s start with God being responsible for
terrorism. Everybody has been given free will, but the last time I checked, God
didn’t want us to kill anybody. What you do from day to day is on you. Blaming
God for our bad choices is asinine, and disgraceful.
The thought that I as a Black person cannot pray for another
country/race of people without being made to feel like a traitor – That has got
to be one of THE most ridiculous things I’ve seen for a while. I’m not ‘having
the wool pulled over my eyes’ because I DARE extend my prayers to someone who
looks nothing like me. My prayers are not, nor have they ever been only for
Black people. Do you know how dumb y’all sound with that mess? On a scale of
foolish to crazy, you've obliterated the scale and sailed right into
unadulterated stupidity. The fact that anybody feels that prayers are strictly
reserved for people who look like themselves makes them/you part of the
problem. Not only is race being brought into a situation that knows no race,
but you/they are also bringing division and divisiveness into a situation
(terrorism) that needs all the light we can send its way. Divisiveness taken to
the extreme, lives, breathes, and breeds inside of terrorism.
Acknowledging prayers for Paris in NO way means that other
countries experiencing slaughters/killings/terrorism are being left out or
forgotten. If you feel that other countries experiencing these things are
getting less attention, blame the media monster. Everybody knows the media is
the devil. YOU can post about things going on in the world just like the media
My last thought is that any prayer sent to people in need is a
good prayer, and shouldn’t be condemned by anybody. Why should people have to
qualify their prayers to you or anybody else? If you/we send up prayers in good
faith, they why are you or anybody else shooting down the prayers? When it’s
all said and done, yes, we all do need prayers. That point hasn’t been lost.
But as long as prayers aren’t being sent to Satan, why should it matter which
country is being prayed for? Whose side are you on anyway? I’m out. Peace.
Antoinette Davis , November 16, 2015