October 11, 2019

Write a list defining one thing you learned for every year you have been alive, October 10, 2019

Write a list defining one thing you learned for every year you have been alive. So, if you are 15 — write 15 lessons. If you are 25, write 25 lessons. This was harder than I thought!  

1.    Love is stronger than hate

2.    Everybody who says they are your friend are not always your friends

3.    Karma is real

4.    You never totally know a person – even when you think you do

5.    Low self-esteem is the root of bad relationships

6.    The grass is not always greener on the other side

7.    Faith is the hardest walk you’ll ever walk

8.    God is real

9.    Money comes and goes, and is not worth the damage left in the wake of seeking it

10.    The love of your family is everything

11.    Nothing replaces the love of a good mother

12.    Sometimes a dream is not just a dream. It’s a visitation

13.    Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

14.    The root of racism is fear

15.    Laughter is good for the soul

16.    Hurt people hurt people

17.    The top of a rollercoaster ride is the wrong time to question the mechanics / physics of said rollercoaster

18.    Some people value the life of animals over human lives

19.    Sometimes your biggest enemy is between your ears

20.    Time is the most precious thing you own

21.    Your gut is never wrong

22.    I’d rather be poor than to be a rich snob

23.    Material things are just things

24.    Love is not always easy

25.    Kids are the most honest creatures God ever made

26.    You can’t put a price on peace of mind

27.    If a man makes you feel ‘less than’; he’s not the man you should be with

28.    Words hurt more than a punch

29.    Pretty is as pretty does

30.    A shut eye ain’t always sleep

31.    Real friends don’t care what you look like, or what you do or do not have

32.    Everything that’s good to you ain’t good for you

33.    God always gets His way

34.    More people care about you than you think

35.    Every neighborhood needs at least 1 really nosey neighbor

36.    Skinny men need love too. Just not from me

37.    Music is healing

38.    A smile from the right person is everything

39.    Heaven costs more than we are able to give, sometimes

40.    You have to know love before you can give it away

41.    Everybody is not meant to be a parent. Get a dog first, and see how that goes

42.    Sometimes you just need a good cry

43.    Sometimes you just need to say thank you

44.    Let go of people who emotionally drain you

45.    Since God makes no mistakes, I know where I’m supposed to be

46.    Pain is often disguised as rage

47.    Nothing is impossible

48.    Don’t go to the ends of the earth for somebody unless they’d do the same for you

49.    If sin is sin is sin – then make it a big one so it’ll be worth it LOL

50.    Going to the beach makes life worth living

51.    Change is good for the soul

52.    If you want something bad enough, you’ll make it happen

53.    Most things we worry about never come to pass

54.    Sometimes a loss is actually a win

55.    Don’t wear high-water pants, white socks, and sandals and expect to find love. Love might be blind, but women are not 

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